This site is mostly about my professional work, but let's give that some context.

I consider myself one of the lucky ones: I love what I do, and the work that I do reflects how I see the world. I love building brands, and taking on marketing challenges that no one else will touch. Sometimes I wish I fit more neatly into a creative bucket  – a designer, a writer, a photographer – but what gets me out of bed in the morning is the strategy and the problem solving. I think that's the most creative work there is.

In February 2015, I completed my MBA at NYU's Stern School of Business. That was my second masters degree. The first was an MA in Global Communications from the American University of Paris.  I love being a student. At Stern, I intended to learn more about marketing (and I did), but along the way I also fell in love with entrepreneurship, innovation, technology, and the TV show Shark Tank. 

My interests, of course, extend well beyond school and work. I'm a casual yogi and a slow-but-dedicated runner. I will try any fitness trend or new workout class once (and usually more than once). I love to eat but I'm a terrible cook. I have a dog, a husband, and three kids under five. Three of us are Brooklyn ex-pats – the babies came later.

My vices are wine and stinky cheese.